Training With Experts

Training With Experts

Dhanandip Automation Provides Training to Experts for Industrial working peoples whom have already expertise in basic automation and having industrial experience we are ready to give training for such persons according to their Expectation & flexible timings we provide extra batches on weekend also with Ready Infrastructure

Key Features:

  • 1] Separate and flexible batches

  • We have separate and flexible batch timings & Weekend batches for working peoples.

  • 2] Hands-On Training

  • We Provides hands-on training on Specially Designed industrial kits which enhance practical & applicational approach

  • 3] Customized Syllabus

  • We have customize syllabus for Industry working person which gives flexibility for such candidate for selection of appropriate training topics

  • 4] Syllabus Tracking

  • We provides student syllabus tracking which gives clear transparency between Organization & candidates

  • 5] Standardizes Certification

  • Our each & every candidate goes to standard certification process after completing his/her training course which applicable throughout the Nation

Expert Training Program Form